
 01.08.2009 - MPH already have an address - 1N, Narcis(narcissus) str.

13.07.2009 - Finally, the construction document have been issued

15.05.2009 - At last.... the construction permission for MPH project is granted

22.03.2009 - The final permission for MPH project will be received soon...

17.08.2008 - New version of the MPH architecture was released.

02.11.2007 - Fulfilment of regulation requirements, for the construction area, completed. This was critical milestone in project MPH.

27.07.2007 - Construction of the interim road start today. Click to view some snapshots

22.07.2007 - The project 'My Perfect House' is a live again. Next week we will start with construction of interim road which will allow access to the construction area. Next step is the construction of support wall which will give possibility to build the real road.

27.06.2007 - Due to governance and geological issues the project 'My Perfect House' was postponed to the next year.

26.05.2007 - 'My Perfect House' project plan is available

25.05.2007 - I made the first tattoo on my body. Big, scary dragon :)

24.05.2007 - Start date of project 'My Perfect House' was postponed to September

24.04.2007 - And another year flied away :)

28.01.2007 - The biggest personal project will start soon - 'My Perfect House' :) Click to view some snapshots

02.10.2006 - After 4 years work in Mobiltel I got the hard decision to leave the company

13.09.2006 - Today I bought my first brand new car - beautiful dark blue Peugeot 407 :)

24.04.2006 - The first 30 years from my life flied away :)

20.01.2006 - A big win - integrating Remedy into HP Open View



  Welcome to My Website

I am Andrey Karadimov and this is my website. The idea for creation of this website is presenting information for me and my family. You can find many professional and personal activities.
Lets start with something easy... I am born on 24.04.1976 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
I am working in the IT sphere already nine years. My job is ITSM consultant in Hewlett-Packard and this is peak of my IT career."; $p2=""; $p3=""; $p4="

Custom projects - not related to any employer:

NET Service Distributor - Highly manageable network device for your small office and home. This device manage your Internet connection, Firewall, DNS and WEB services.
Very reliable solution based on Debian Linux. All configurations can be made via friendly web interface with possible restoration of previous working configuration.
Other features - managing LAN broadband, Wireless or other connections, low noise (this device use FLASH IDE instead regular HDD), backup capabilities, traffic accounting, low cost.
Price conditions and detailed technical information will be available soon.
Configuration and Training services will be also possible in near future.

More information you can find here http://itcom-solutions.com

The site is hosted on this solution

CCD Linux Surveillance System - This solution combine powerful SW and HW components which provide flexible configuration and unlimited features. Components: Debian Linux, ZoneMinder, Custom sotware, DELL P4 machine, DVR capture 120fp, 4x CCD color waterproof infrared cameras 420 TVL, 4x 2.4Ghz Transmiters/Receivers.
For additional information and price conditions, please contact me.
Demo is not available.

Biometric Linux Security System - This security solution propose efficient capability for family houses and small buildings /not applicable for enterprises, yet/. Lets get simple scenario - In one house you have 2-3 doors, french windows and etc. It is not easy to control when/who enter and what is open. In other aspect when you go out in the garden is totaly uncomfortable to get the door keys with youi.
The 'Biometric Linux Security System' resolve this issue. This is low costing, centralized PC Debian Linux system which integrate electronic door locks, door/window and motion sensors, biometric sensors and easy touch-screen navigation. "; /*Consulting services are available in the next subjects:
Linux for High-Availability Solutions
Oracle Database Architecture
Enterprise Infrastructure and Service Monitoring
Design of ITIL Service Support Processes
Service Level Management
IT Service Continuity Management

More information you can find here http://itcom.karadimov.info*/ ?>

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